Middle school girls plan satanic mass murder

Middle school girls plan satanic mass murder

Two tweens plotted to kill 15 younger students and drink their blood as part of a Satanic ritual at a school in Florida, say police.

Detectives found notes outlining the plot in the girls' rooms
Detectives found notes outlining the plot in the girls' rooms

The girls, aged 11 and 12, were found hiding in Bartow Middle School toilets with a butcher knife, kitchen knife, pizza cutter, and goblet.

According to officials, the young girls said they were Satan worshippers and planned to drink the blood of the murdered students, and possibly eat their flesh.

They were then going to commit suicide.

The girls were arrested on Tuesday and charged with conspiracy to commit murder, possession of a weapon on school property, carrying a concealed weapon, and disruption of a school function, Bartow Police Chief Joe Hall said during a news conference.

Their alleged plan was foiled when an automatic call from the school alerted one of the mothers to her daughter's absence from class.

When the girl's mother called the school, the assistant principal found the students hiding in the bathroom.

Weapons were found with the girls in the Principal's office, Mr Hall said.

Detectives searched the girls' homes and found a hand-drawn map and the message "go to kill bathroom".

"Today is health lesson thank Satan we are doing this in bit," a note read.

Text messages were also found on the girls' phones detailing the plan.

There was already an increased police presence at the school following a tip-off from another student about a rumour to a a possible threat to students.

Superintendent Jacqueline Byrd said school staff responded quickly to reports of suspicious behaviour.

"There will be counsellors and extra police officers at the school this week," Ms Byrd said.
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