Tom Cruise's co-star revealed startling information about his purported sex life once: This Young Man Was... Recognised How to Balance Blowj*bs with Bible Study Effectively.

Tom Cruise's co-star revealed startling information about his purported sex life once: This Young Man Was... Recognised How to Balance Blowj*bs with Bible Study Effectively.

Tom Cruise’s Co-Star Once Shared Shocking Details About His Alleged S*x Life: “This Was A Young Man… Understood How To Successfully Juggle Bible Study With Blowj*bs”

The private life of Tom Cruise has been nothing short of a spectacular film. His supposed sex life once made him popular.

Tom Cruise is among the most well-liked celebrities in the world. Nobody comes close to matching the superstar's skill level in performing lethal stunts. Even with regard to his private life, the same might be stated. The Mission Impossible actor has been involved in a number of scandals over the years, the majority of which have included his romantic relationships or extramarital romances. To learn more, continue reading!

With everything he does, the Top Gun Maverick actor captures attention with his captivating demeanour. But on a few instances, this has worked against him since he has drawn a lot of unwelcome attention. Tom's co-stars have frequently mentioned how much of a magnet he is for women. Tom's co-star, who also discussed his purportedly serious romance with Rebecca De Mornay, related one such instance.

Curtis Armstrong, who shared the screen space with Tom Cruise in Risky Business (1983), shared some shocking details about his co-star’s s*x life. In his memoir Revenge of the Nerds, Curtis talked about Tom’s intense affair with Rebecca De Mornay and shared more details.

Curtis wrote, “It’s no secret that Tom was engaged in an intense affair during the shooting with De Mornay. Returning one night, I found three or four girls young girls- late teens, I suspect – lined up in the hall outside of Tom’s room.”

He added, “I remember thinking, ‘Tom’s going to be really upset if these hot girls interfere with his Bible reading.’ So I asked them, with all the stern gravitas of my 28 years, if there was something I could do to help them. They just stared at me at that moment; Tom’s room door opened, and another girl came out, adjusting her hair and taking off down the hall, while the first girl in the line slipped into Tom’s room.”

The memoir further read, “This (Tom Cruise) was a young man who knew something about time management and understood how to successfully juggle Bible study with blowj*bs.”

Meanwhile, Risky Business, released in 1983, was a commercial and critical success, earning more than $60 million at the box office.

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