Kenya is rocked by fresh protests despite the president's U-turn on the tax bill.

Kenya is rocked by fresh protests despite the president's U-turn on the tax bill.

Police officers detain a man during a demonstration over police killings of people protesting against Kenya's finance bill
Police officers detain a man during a demonstration over police killings of people protesting against Kenya's finance bill

Kenyan police fired tear gas at protesters as a new wave of demonstrations swept the country, despite President William Ruto's U-turn on controversial tax plans.

Fresh protests dubbed the "One Million People March" began Thursday, with demonstrators demanding that roads leading to Nairobi be blocked. Others threatened to occupy the State House, the President's Office, and the official residence.

In a surprise move on Wednesday, Ruto stated that he would not sign the finance bill after "listening keenly" to the Kenyan people. He had been facing escalating protests over the bill, with a civil society organisation reporting that at least 23 people had died in clashes.

But so far his move has failed to quell the demonstrations. Security forces have set up roadblocks around routes leading to the State House while other parts of the capital city have been fortified with heavy police presence.

“It’s more than about the finance bill now,” Maria, a Kenyan protestor from Nairobi.

Demonstrators react as police fire teargas to disperse them during a renewed protest
Demonstrators react as police fire teargas to disperse them during a renewed protest

Despite being billed as a'million people march,' turnout was significantly lower in Nairobi's central business district. The city's heavy security presence prevented a crowd from forming, with police shouting at protesters to "go home" in Swahili.

What the predominantly young protesters now want varies. Some have called for President Ruto's resignation for failing to withdraw the unpopular bill much earlier in order to save lives.

Others are calling for justice for the deceased protesters and the recall of lawmakers who voted in favour of the finance bill.

“I want them to listen to me,” another protester told Us

Civic groups such as the Law Society of Kenya are calling for the removal of Kenya’s inspector general of police and Nairobi’s regional police commander after officers were accused of reportedly shooting dead protesters.

People take part in demonstrations on Thursday
People take part in demonstrations on Thursday

Kenya, East Africa’s dominant economy, has grappled with escalating living costs that have spiked food prices and other commodities. The nation also owes billions of dollars in foreign and local debts, spending a sizeable chunk of its revenue repaying its creditors.

“I am not going to preside over a bankrupt country, I am not going to preside over a country that is in debt distress,” President Ruto said last month while defending his plans.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expressed concern about a "significant shortfall" in Kenya's "tax revenue collection" while urging the government to consider measures to boost earnings and reduce borrowing.The bill proposed levies on locally produced products such as diapers and sanitary towels, as well as vehicle taxes and mobile money transfer fees.

Ruto shelved some of those taxes last week, but Kenyans are still outraged and want the bill repealed entirely.

Moody's, an international financial ratings agency, has warned that scrapping the bill "will create a revenue shortfall" in Kenya's budget. Ruto warned of spending cuts across government funding if the tax cuts were repealed.


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Ruto’s leadership is now being tested like never before. His ability to navigate this period of unrest will be critical not only for his political survival but also for the stability of Kenya.

The ongoing protests suggest that mere policy reversals may not be sufficient. Analyst Herman Manyora, a lecturer at the University of Nairobi, told us that the president may need to engage in more substantial reforms to restore faith in his administration.

“The way forward is for the president to go a little more than he has done now in order to get the goodwill of the people,” Manyora said. “He needs to reshuffle his cabinet and economic advisers which will send a signal that will create the goodwill required. At that point, a government-led conversation can take place.”

Ruto, whose rise to the presidency was largely propelled by youth voters said in his address retracting the finance bill that he hoped to engage with young people in the country to listen to their ideas and proposals on how to solve the nation’s economic challenges. But that won’t come easy, Manyora said.

“They (young people) feel betrayed. That’s what is fueling this riot.”

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