Stormy Daniels book – Seven explosive revelations by Donald Trump’s porn star ‘lover’ in ‘Full Disclosure’

Stormy Daniels book – Seven explosive revelations by Donald Trump’s porn star ‘lover’ in ‘Full Disclosure’

The book contains plenty of lurid claims about her supposed affair with the US President and other secrets of her troubled life

The 39-year-old claims she penned 'Full Disclosure' so she could finally her 'full story'
The 39-year-old claims she penned 'Full Disclosure' so she could finally her 'full story'

STORMY Daniels' memoirs are released today - and they are tipped to make the shameless porn star a small fortune.

The book contains plenty of lurid and unproven claims about her "fling" with Donald Trump and more secrets about her troubled life.

The 39-year-old claims she penned 'Full Disclosure' so she could finally tell "the full story" of the supposed romp in Nevada in 2006.

It charts the story of her upbringing in Louisiana, her rise to porn star fame and, of course, her alleged night with the property tycoon.

In it, she denies claims she is a gold digger out to make a quick buck but admits "I should be living in a trailer...with six kids and no teeth.”

“I own my story and the choices I made,” she says of the book. “They may not be the ones you would have made, but I stand by them.”

Trump has vehemently denied the fling but admitted reimbursing his lawyer for a $130,000 hush-money payment to the adult entertainer.

The only thing which is sure is that for an alleged romp that lasted minutes, Daniels seems to be getting more than her fair share of fame.

Here are some of the book's other headline-grabbing claims...

The book contains plenty of lurid claims about the porn star's supposed affair with Donald Trump
The book contains plenty of lurid claims about the porn star's supposed affair with Donald Trump

She feared husband would kill himself over 'Trump romps'

Daniels writes she feared her husband would kill himself if she told him the truth about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

The porn star reveals that she talked to friends about her supposed fling with the billionaire but lied to her then-husband, Glendon Crain.

“Nothing happened, but his wife would get mad, and having dinner with a porn star would look bad,” Daniels said she told her then partner.

"Everyone knew but me!” her husband said, according to the book. She told Crain she was worried if she told the truth, he would harm himself.

For the rest of their young daughter’s life, Daniels writes, “she’d have to live with ‘When my mom told my dad what she did, he killed himself.’”

Daniels claims Trump and Hillary Clinton once plotted about the 2008 election in a phone call she overheard while in a hotel room with the tycoon.
Daniels claims she overheard a phone conversation between Trump and Hillary Clinton
Daniels claims she overheard a phone conversation between Trump and Hillary Clinton

The unlikely conversation is said to have happened while she and her alleged lover were watching a Discovery Channel 'Shark Week' TV special.

She writes Trump received a call from Clinton, who at the time was seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for president against Barack Obama.

“He had a whole conversation about the race, repeatedly mentioning our plan”, she writes before adding "his attention kept going back to the sharks.”

"I love her," Trump said afterwards of Clinton, according to Daniels. "She is so smart."

Daniels claims he also told her he had been asked to run for President himself, but he responded, "Who would want to? This is way more fun."

Daniels claims the property magnate promised to cast her in a season of his hit reality TV series 'The Apprentice'.

According to the porn star’s new book, he was planning to make her his 'wild card' pick promising her "you'd be huge".

Daniels quotes him as saying “We’ll figure out a way to get you the challenges before. We can devise your technique.”

She writes: “He was going to have me cheat and it was 100 per cent his idea.”

Daniels writes that for years afterwards the sight of  TV caused her to think: “‘I had sex with that’, I’d say to myself. Eech.”

Daniels has given a withering account of her alleged affair with Trump in her new book
Daniels has given a withering account of her alleged affair with Trump in her new book

After talking about the alleged fling on the US TV show '60 Minutes', Daniels claims she received about 'a hundred' hate messages.

"Your child should be euthanised," one particularly chilling message read, "because she would be better off than with you."

The X-rated actress claims she became so concerned she even asked a friend to record her parting wishes in an impromptu will.

"I had lived alone with the fear of being murdered to ensure my silence for so long that now that the world was discussing the death threats against me, I felt like I finally had some company in my concern," she writes

Daniels also writes of her troubled upbringing in Louisiana and how she lost her innocence at the hands of a paedophile.

She tells how she was repeatedly raped at the age of nine but when she finally told a school counsellor, she wasn’t believed.

Her mother "pretended the sex attacks never happened" over fears they would be blamed on her own negligent parenting.

Daniels claims her ordeal  - which was ignored by many of those closest to her - left her feeling helpless and worthless.
Daniels also told how she was repeatedly raped at the age of nine while growing up in Louisiana
Daniels also told how she was repeatedly raped at the age of nine while growing up in Louisiana

She eventually found solace in her love of horse riding, which she says gave her an escape from her dysfunctional home life.

Her fixation on horse riding meant she avoided drinking, drugs and sex throughout her early teenage years, Daniels writes.

However, she started stripping while still in high school aged 17 before moving onto the more profitable X-rated road shows.

After stripping she made what seemed the natural move into the sex film industry - and was an instant success.

It was a career which was to make her £5,000 a month and give her access to a world far removed from her childhood.

"I should be living in a trailer back in Louisiana, with six kids and no teeth,” she writes in her book’s prologue.
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