Theresa May faces Brexit mutiny as DOZENS of Tory MPs openly discuss how to topple her

Theresa May faces Brexit mutiny as DOZENS of Tory MPs openly discuss how to topple her

Around 50 MPs spent nearly an hour war-gaming ways and means of getting rid of the Prime Minister at a gathering of the European Research Group

“It was truly mind blowing. You felt the ground opening up," an MP said
“It was truly mind blowing. You felt the ground opening up," an MP said

Theresa May's Tory enemies have begun openly discussing how to topple the Prime Minister.

About 50 hard Brexiteers held a meeting last night where they thrashed out plans to eject Mrs May - with reports suggesting a coup could be launched within days.

It comes amid mounting anger among Conservative backbenchers and activists at the softer Brexit bid she drew up at Chequers.
Theresa May is facing a coup by Tory Brexiteers
Theresa May is facing a coup by Tory Brexiteers

That anger has mounted after EU chiefs indicated they could reach agreement with Britain on a Brexit plan within six to eight weeks.

One MP who was at the meeting of the European Research Group said in a text to ITV: “Virtually the only topic of conversation for 40/50 mins was how best do we get rid of her?

"Comments included: ‘Everyone I know says she has to go,’ ‘she’s a disaster,’ ‘this can’t go on.’

"You might think that this is usual far [sic] for us, but it’s not! Not in the mass weekly meeting, never in what’s basically a public forum.

"The truly amazing thing was they spoke about it so openly, in such an unabashed way, even though they could see the whips’ sneak sitting there.

"Really, really detailed discussion of the mechanics of how best you game the leadership election rules. And zero dissent.”

Another MP said: “It was truly mind blowing. You felt the ground opening up under your feet.”

A third MP told the Telegraph: “The mood in the room surprised me. It was open revolt.
May held crunch talks at Chequers in July
May held crunch talks at Chequers in July

"We’re now in a position that if she won’t chuck Chequers then I’m afraid the party will chuck her.”

Estimates suggest 35 of the 48 letters that would be needed to trigger a no-confidence vote in the PM have been submitted.

If that vote was triggered the rebels would then need at least 159 MPs to actually oust her - a prospect that seems unlikely.

But MPs even raised "leadership issues" in Downing Street itself last night - during a dinner with the PM's senior aides.

Backbenchers told the Prime Minister's chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, his boss must "chuck Chequers" as he tried to persuade them to accept the plan.

The flurry of activity came after ex-foreign secretary Boris Johnson launched a fresh attack on the PM's Brexit plan, claiming it would be "substantially worse than the status quo".

Speaking after the No 10 dinner, Tory MP Andrew Bridgen did not deny suggestions the PM would face a coup.

He told ITV News: "I've been told that she will get a full appraisal of comments that were made over the dinner."

Asked if there would be a coup, he replied: "I think we will just have to wait and see.

"I hope that the Prime Minister will take on board what she's heard and chuck Chequers."

Conservative Brexiteer John Baron said mysteriously: "We were discussing leadership issues."

At the heart of the Chequers plan is a 'Facilitated Customs Arrangement'. This would keep the UK closely aligned with the EU in a new "free trade area" for goods.

Under this plan, the UK would share a "common rulebook" with Brussels for goods, including agricultural and food products. Britain would also collect some, but not all, customs tariffs on the EU's behalf.

This has enraged Brexiteers, who say it will keep Britain shackled to Brussels for years to come.

Downing Street last night insisted Chequers was "the only serious, credible and negotiable plan which is on the table" that delivered Brexit while preventing a hard border in Northern Ireland.

Brexiteers have suggested "flying squads" of customs inspectors in the province and will unveil more plans for their version of the border this morning.

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