ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi purportedly releases audio message calling for attacks on the West

ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi purportedly releases audio message calling for attacks on the West

AN AUDIO recording purporting to come from Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of terror group ISIS, has shockingly called for more attacks to take place in the West.

The speaker used the recording to call for further attacks “in Canada, Europe and other countries
The speaker used the recording to call for further attacks “in Canada, Europe and other countries

The message was delivered via an audio recording attributed to Furqan Media Group, an official ISIS media arm.

It references several recent events, including the dispute over Turkey’s arrest of American pastor Andrew Brunson and reports of Syrian government forces preparing to launch offensives in the Idlib province.

The speaker used the recording to call for further attacks “in Canada, Europe and other countries”.

They also claim the US is growing weak as a result of nearly two decades of war and stated it is “living through its worst period in modern history”.

The voice argues that the diplomatic row between Turkey and the US is proof that American power is waning, and that the international coalition constructed against ISIS is collapsing.

The message also references, and appears to downplay, recent dramatic setbacks for the ISIS terror group.

These include losing both of the main cities under its control, Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, in July and October 2017 respectively.

The speaker says: “For the Mujahideen, the scale of victory or defeat is not dependant on a city or town being stolen or subject to that who has aerial superiority, intercontinental missiles or smart bombs.”
There has been speculation about Baghdadi’s physical condition
There has been speculation about Baghdadi’s physical condition

Shiraz Maher, a King’s College London academic specialising in counter-terrorism, said: “The wider backdrop, of course, is that there has also been speculation about Baghdadi’s physical condition.

“This release, coupled with the proximity to Eid, is all carefully calculated to show Baghdadi remains very much at the helm.”

There were a number of unconfirmed reports that al-Baghdadi had been injured over the past few months.

He is believed to be hiding out in desert which stretches from eastern Syria to western Iraq, and is the last significant region under ISIS control.
Last month al-Baghdadi’s son was killed in Syria
Last month al-Baghdadi’s son was killed in Syria

Last month, al-Baghdadi’s son, Hudhayfah al-Badri, was killed fighting Syrian government and Russian forces in Syria.

He is believed to have been around 18 years old.

His death was confirmed by ISIS, who claimed he had been taking part in an attack on a thermal power station.
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