I helped to hide Donald Trump’s mental decline, says his sacked former adviser

I helped to hide Donald Trump’s mental decline, says his sacked former adviser

President 'is truly a racist', new book claims

President Donald Trump with Omarasa Manigault Newman
President Donald Trump with Omarasa Manigault Newman

A former aide to US President Donald Trump has revealed that she secretly recorded her sacking by John Kelly, the chief of staff, in the high-security White House situation room.

Omarosa Manigault Newman also claimed that Americans were being kept in the dark about their president's mental decline, saying: "I was complicit with the White House deceiving this nation."

Ms Newman, whose tell-all book about her White House tenure is to be released tomorrow, left the administration in December.

She alleges that she was threatened by Mr Kelly and that he told her things could get "ugly" if she did not go on friendly terms.

Ms Newman also described Mr Trump as a racist - an accusation which he has repeatedly denied.

She made her allegations on US television hours after the president had responded to a question about her book - 'Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House' - by saying: "Low life. She's a low life."

Ms Newman, a former star of 'The Apprentice' in the US, said that she now regretted her White House role.

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She explained: "It is hindsight. But I will say this to you; I was complicit with the White House deceiving this nation.

"They continue to deceive this nation by how mentally declined he [Mr Trump] is; how difficult it is for him to process complex information; how he is not engaged in some of the most important decisions that impact our country. I was complicit - and for that I regret."

She then raised security concerns by revealing that she had been able to smuggle her mobile phone into the top-secret situation room.

Ms Newman justified her action by saying that she had felt the need to protect herself.

"I protected myself because this is a White House where everybody lies; the president lies to the American people, [the press secretary] Sarah Huckabee stands in front of the country and lies every day."

There was swift reaction from the Trump camp to her remarks. Kellyanne Conway, counsellor to the president, said: "[This is] the first time I ever heard Omarosa suggest those awful things about the president [and they are] in this book. And I think that Omarosa, unfortunately, has undercut her own credibility."

Ms Newman effectively threw a hand grenade by claiming - without evidence - that she had heard a tape of Mr Trump using racist language against African-Americans.

She said: "It confirmed what I feared the most: that Donald Trump is a con and has been masquerading as someone who is actually open to engaging with diverse communities; but when he talks that way, the way he did on his tape, it confirmed that he is truly a racist."

A year ago, Mr Trump refused to condemn outright white supremacists, following the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which a female counter-protester was killed by a neo-Nazi sympathiser.

On Saturday, on the eve of a second Unite the Right rally, Mr Trump released an unequivocal statement, saying: "The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division. We must come together as a nation.

"I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence. Peace to ALL Americans!"
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