Electric vehicle chargepoint policy leaning on a lamp-post adaptation

Electric vehicle chargepoint policy leaning on a lamp-post adaptation

Minister Jesse Norman sees the UK surging ahead in low-emission technologies
Two electric cars re-charging on a London street
Two electric cars re-charging on a London street

John Armitt is absolutely right to highlight the growing importance of a national, highly visible electric chargepoint network. As he will know, in the UK there are already around 14,000 public chargepoints, of which at least 1,300 are rapid chargers, forming one of the larger networks of rapid chargepoints in Europe.

New legislation will enable further swift growth and ensure the UK’s infrastructure network is easier to use and still more reliable for electric vehicle drivers. And the government’s recently launched Road to Zero strategy envisages a further massive expansion of electric and low emission vehicle charging infrastructure. It includes a consultation on proposals for chargepoints to be installed with all newly built homes in England, where possible. We are also looking at how far new lamp-posts can include on-street charging infrastructure, and will be providing guidance to local authorities to support this.

The move to zero emission vehicles is the biggest automotive technology change since the invention of the combustion engine. I and my colleagues are seeking to ensure the UK is and remains at the forefront of this revolution.

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