Two in three chickens sold in British supermarkets are 'infected with E.coli superbug'

Two in three chickens sold in British supermarkets are 'infected with E.coli superbug'

wo-thirds of fresh chicken sold in British supermarkets are contaminated with E.coli, a new study claims.

Contamination levels are much higher than previously thought and could be a threat to public health.

The investigation found 78 per cent of the fresh chicken sold in high streets in England was positive for an antibiotic-resistant strain of E.coli.
The investigation found 78 per cent of fresh chicken sold in high streets in England was positive for an antibiotic-resistant strain of E.coli

In Scotland the figure is 53 per cent, with levels of up to 41 per cent in Wales.

The strain of the infectious bug could be more difficult to treat because it has developed some resistance to antibiotics.

It is not the O157 strain which causes food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhoea. But health experts fear it could stay in the gut for years and if someone later develops an infection, the bug can make them resistant to vital antibiotics, known as cephalosporins.

A previous study carried out by the University of Cambridge found one in four samples was contaminated.

But this most recent government study – carried out by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Public Health England – found the scale of the infection was much higher.

Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda were among the major supermarkets where samples where taken for the study.

Campaigners claim the high rate is due to chicks being given antibiotics to stop them contracting bugs, with E-coli mutating over several decades to build up resistance.
The strain has developed some resistance to antibiotics

Dr Mark Holmes, reader in microbial genomics and veterinary science at Cambridge University, told the Daily Mail: “People do get food poisoning and every time someone falls ill, instead of just getting a food poisoning bug they might also be getting a bug that is antibiotic-resistant.

Samples were taken from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda
“If they end up developing sepsis or a urinary tract infection they may well find they have a bug that is resistant to the first-choice antibiotic.

"By the time they get on to the right antibiotic the bug could be out of control. It can even lead to death."

Andrew Opie, director of food at the British Retail Consortium, said: “We've been crystal clear in saying that antibiotics must be used responsibly.

“Retailers do not support the routine preventive use of antibiotics where such disease challenges can be prevented by better husbandry and farm management.”
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