The Truth At Last: Hacked Email Reveals Hillary HATES Obama!

The Truth At Last: Hacked Email Reveals Hillary HATES Obama!

Clinton's dirty secret comes out in newly leaked documents.

Hillary Clinton can’t hide the truth any longer! According to documents leaked in a new data dump by Russian hackers, the presidential candidate HATES President Obama!

News website The Intercept acquired emails between former secretary of state Colin Powell and Democratic megadonor Jeffrey Leeds.

The emails were leaked by, and one particular email reveals Clinton’s true feelings about Barack Obama, as well as her fear of losing a presidential election again.

“I think Hillary can’t believe she might not make it,” Leeds wrote to Powell in a March 2015 email. “It’s the one prize she wants. She has everything else.”

Lee Fang, one of the Intercept reporters, tweeted that the “Clintons hate Obama.”

Colin Powell & mega Dem donor Jeffrey Leeds chat about how much the Clintons hate Obama (via newly leaked emails)

— Lee Fang (@lhfang) September 13, 2016

“And she HATES that the President (‘that man,’ as the Clintons call him) kicked her a** in 2008,” Leeds continued. “She can’t believe it or accept it.”

In another email, Leeds took a shot at Clinton’s criminal record, writing “No one likes her and the criminal thing ain’t over.”

Powell wasn’t happy with Clinton either, writing that Clinton could have avoided tying him to her email scandal. “HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it,” Powell wrote in an email.

Powell also commented on Clinton’s health, which as of late, has become a concern for voters. “She doesn’t look good,” Powell wrote, according to the New York Post. “She is working herself to death.”

DCLeaks reportedly has a connection to Guccifer 2.0, the anonymous hacker or hackers who is believed to be linked to the Russian government.

Guccifer 2.0 recently leaked “over 670 megabytes of documents at a cybersecurity conference in London,” according to NBC News.

The hacker had previously leaked “a big folder of docs devoted to Hillary Clinton that I found on the DNC server,” according to his website.

Now the hacker has released more DNC files, this time dropping personal information about DNC donors, fundraising methods, may have revealed the personal phone numbers of Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine and White House officials.

“The DNC is the victim of a crime — an illegal cyber-attack by Russian state-sponsored agents who seek to harm the Democratic Party and progressive groups in an effort to influence the presidential election,” Donna Brazile, the Interim DNC Chair said in a sta
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