France's Marine Le Pen: Trump Win Shows Power Slipping From 'Elites'

France's Marine Le Pen: Trump Win Shows Power Slipping From 'Elites'

ARIS, France - The leader of France's far-right National Front party said Monday she believes Donald Trump's victory shows power is slipping from global "elites" who have "acted like carnivores" and "used the world to enrich only themselves.

Marine Le Pen, who is running to be France's next president, told CNBC she is "very happy" about Trump's election and welcomed America's "courageous and advantageous" decision.
"I think that the elites have lived too long among themselves. We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten, and put aside the people, the people's interests, aspirations, and dreams," she said.

"They have acted like carnivores, who used the world to enrich only themselves, and whether it's the election of Donald Trump, or Brexit, the elites have realized that the people have stopped listening to them, that the people want to determine their futures and in a perfectly democratic framework, regain control of their destiny. And that panics them, because they are losing the power that they had given themselves," she added.

She also said that Trump's victory would bring about an image overhaul for the U.S. abroad.

"I think that the United States will regain its image which had become very damaged, especially by the administration for which Hillary Clinton worked," she said. "The United States cannot have the image of warmongers, with all the potential consequences it could have for our respective countries."

She said this had been reversed with Trump's election.

"So, that the United States has once again regained an image as an organization of peace is beneficial for us all," she said.

Turing to her own electoral chances next year, she said there are similarities between Trump's platform and that of her own party.

She said both share a refusal to stomach mass immigration, to support factors which drive the growth of ISIS and to allow free trade and regulations which would "ravage" France and the European Union.

She made clear she sees now as the time for opportunity, with Brexit, the rise of the far-right in Austria and Trump's win demonstrating that power is slipping from the hands of people she described as "the elites."

Asked whether this dynamic boded well for her own presidential ambitions, Le Pen said within a certain framework it could do.

"If the French people too wish to regain their independence, wish to regain control of their country, and wish to reinforce the elements of security, the borders, the rule of law, economic patriotism, then I will be elected president," she predicted.

Le Pen confirmed that if elected she would call a referendum on France's use of the euro currency and even the E.U. itself.

She also claimed that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who confirmed on Sunday she would run for a fourth term in 2017, did not fit the mood of the times. She warned her days are numbered given the pace of change currently underway in Europe.
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